Law, Politics and Participation

Law, Politics and Participation
Analisar as formas e processos jurídicos através dos quais se organizam as atuais comunidades políticas, quer a nível nacional, supranacional, em particular no âmbito da União Europeia, e internacional. Estudar a arquitetura constitucional e institucional destas várias comunidades políticas e as formas de integração e desenvolvimento das mesmas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à integração política e económica da União Europeia.


Fundamental rights
European Union
International Public Law

Participating institutions to which the research group belongs:

NOVA School of Law


Diogo Freitas do Amaral (DFA)
Francisco Pereira Coutinho (FPC)
Jorge Bacelar Gouveia (JBG)
Lúcio Tomé Feteira (LTF)
Nuno Piçarra (NP)
Pedro Velez (PV)
Vasco Becker-Weinberg (VBW)


Ana Rita Gil (ARG)
António Sampaio Mello (ASM)
Fernando Horta Tavares (FHT)
Francisco Amaral (FA)
Francisco Briosa e Gala (FBG)
Gildo Espada (GE)
Joana Daniela Wabretz (JDW)
João Francisco Diogo (JFD)
José Fontes (JF)
José Lucas Cardoso (JLC)
José Noronha Rodrigues (JNR)
João Zenha Martins (JZM)
Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro (MAR)
Maria Inês Gameiro (MIG)
Matej Accetto (MA)
Matheus Passos Silva (MPS)
Mónica Ferro (MF)
Renata Menezes (RM)
Ruth Santos (RS)
Rita Penedo (RP)
Teresa Anjinho (TA)
Tiago Cartaxo
Valério Mazzuoli (VM)

Structure of the research group:

The research line “Law, Politics and Participation” (DPP) aggregates a set of specialists, with diverse backgrounds, but united in the purpose of studying the relations of Law with Politics and Democracy, in order to study the terms of citizens’ intervention in political life and the way in which the exercise of democracy takes place institutionally.


1. Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination (2015-2019)
Org.: NP and FPC
Participants: NP, FPC, JZM.
Funding: European Commission

More Europe to Overcome the Crisis – More EU (2015-2017)
Participants: NP and FPC
Funding: European Commission

3. The Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance (2015-2016)
Participants: NP and FPC
Funding: Council of Europe

4. Constitutional Justice – a Portuguese Language Law perspective (2017-2020)
Participants: JBG, FPC, PV, JLC, JNR
Funding: Instituto do Direito de Língua Portuguesa / CEDIS

5. International Law in Portuguese Language Rights (2016-2017)
Participants: MAR, FPC, JBG, MEA, VM, GE, JFD
Funding: Portuguese Language Law Institute / CEDIS

6. Data Protection in the European Union (2015-2020)
Participants: FPC, MA, JFD
Funding: Public Law Institute / CEDIS

7. History of Institutions (2015-2020)
Participants: PV and DFA

8. Petroleum Law (2016-2020)
Participants: MAR, VBW, FA

9. Human Trafficking (2015-2020)
Participants: VBW, ARG, CUS, JDW, JNR, NP, MF, RP and TA

10. Effectiveness of the instruments to fight corruption in public administration: comparative study of different social contexts (Brazil/European Union/Portugal)
Participant: FHT, FPC

11. FDUNL Moot Courts Programme
Participants: FPC, JFD

12. The New Challenges of International Economic Law
Participants: FPC, LTF, RS, RM, MPS, TC, JFD, MIG

Objectives of the research group:

Intimately related to the branches of Public Law, namely Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights, European Union Law, Public International Law, the approach to the topics relevant to this Research Group may assume several aspects, which complement and stimulate each other in the pursuit of the group’s objectives.

First of all, the line of research followed by this group is materialised in the analysis of the legal forms and processes through which the current political communities are organised, whether at national, supranational, in particular within the European Union, and international level. In addition to studying the constitutional and institutional architecture of these various political communities, the study of their forms of integration and development is also of particular importance, particularly with regard to the processes of political and economic integration of the European Union.

On the other hand, another major problematic axis of this line of research involves the study and analysis of the various ways in which the relationship between these political communities and the individuals who come into contact with them. The main example of this relationship is the exercise of citizenship and the political participation of citizens in democratic constitutional states, as well as in other political communities which admit individual or collective forms of political participation. However, this relationship may assume other contours that are also of interest to this line of research, namely at the international level.

In addition to these main problematic axes, it is part of the objectives of this Research Group to develop and promote the study of new areas of Law that somehow intersect with issues related to the State and the exercise of Democracy and whose study in Portugal may still be incipient or of insufficient volume.

Finally, completing the above objectives, this Research Group will also participate in the organization of several events that aim at promoting the study and the debate of the main problematic axes, namely Moot Court competitions in which the Nova University Law School actively participates.

Each researcher, individually or in conjunction with other colleagues, will develop during the execution period of the Strategic Programme 2015-2020 several works of various kinds, from monographic and periodical publications to scientific events and courses.
