
Ethics in Research

CEDIS has a Governance Committee responsible for ensuring compliance with a series of guidelines adopted or implemented by CEDIS, as explained below.

CEDIS follows the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as outlined by the European Commission, and in accordance with the implementation and monitoring plan established by NOVA University of Lisbon. Additionally, CEDIS follows the guidelines established in the following documents:

  • The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA)
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR)
  • World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century: Vision and Action (UNESCO)

CEDIS adheres to the Ethics Regulations of NOVA University of Lisbon (Regulation No. 638/2018), which includes a non-discrimination charter and a monitoring mechanism encompassing an anonymous reporting portal. Furthermore, CEDIS abides by the guidelines established by the Ethics Council of NOVA University Lisbon, the Rector’s advisory body for ethical matters arising from scientific research, teaching, university extension, and general operations conducted by its Organic and Research Units. In instances where ethical concerns arise, we seek the expertise of the Ethics Council to consolidate a policy aimed at safeguarding the ethical principles guiding the research activities of CEDIS researchers and technicians.

Furthermore, studies involving discussions, data collection on sensitive topics, contact with vulnerable groups (such as children, migrants, victims of physical or psychological violence, etc.), or individuals in fragile situations necessitate submission to the Ethics Committee, as per the protocol established by NOVA School of Law with the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Additionally, CEDIS has implemented a comprehensive set of policies covering various aspects of its operations, ensuring compliance with laws, ethical conduct, and protection of stakeholders, including researchers, employees, and other individuals who may be involved in our activities. The policies collectively reflect CEDIS commitment to fostering an inclusive, transparent, and responsible environment. Periodic reviews demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation to changing legal and ethical landscapes. CEDIS Governance Committee ensures compliance with these policies. The policies include Antidiscrimination, Anti-Harassment, Copyright, Privacy, Political Lobbying, Conflict of Interest (in General and for Awards and Fellowships Committees), and Amicus-Advocacy. Each policy is outlined below:

The Antidiscrimination Policy establishes a commitment to creating a workplace and research environment free from discrimination. It covers a comprehensive range of protected characteristics and defines prohibited conduct. Responsible: H. MELO

The Anti-Harassment Policy ensures a harassment-free environment by clearly defining harassment and providing examples of prohibited conduct. Responsible: João ZENHA MARTINS

The Copyright Policy addresses intellectual property rights, ownership of research results and the appropriate use of copyrighted materials. It establishes guidelines for internal and external use, permissions and licensing, protection, enforcement and training. The Policy aligns with local laws and regulations governing intellectual property. Responsible: Giula PRIORI

The Privacy Policy focuses on protecting personal information, detailing the types of information collected, collection methods, and purposes. It outlines information sharing, data security measures, access and control for individuals, and updates to the policy. The policy ensures compliance with data protection laws, such as GDPR. Responsible: V. RAPOSO

The Political Lobbying Policy establishes principles for ethical and transparent engagement in political lobbying activities. It emphasizes non-partisanship, transparency, mission alignment, and financial contributions. Responsible: L. TERRINHA

The Conflict of Interest Policy identifies, manages, and eliminates conflicts to maintain integrity in research activities. It covers disclosure requirements, review and management processes. Responsible: C. QUEIRÓZ

The Conflict of Interest Policy extends conflict management principles specifically to awards selection processes. It includes guidelines for disclosure, review of disclosures, recusal, alternative reviewers and documentation. Responsible: C. QUEIRÓZ

The Amicus-Advocacy Policy outlines principles and procedures for engaging in expert opinion and advocacy efforts. It focuses on alignment with the mission, independence, transparency and collaboration. The Policy ensures legal and ethical compliance. Responsible: Miguel MOURA

CEDIS Governance Committee is established to ensure ethical conduct, integrity and compliance with ethical standards within CEDIS. Its main objective is to provide guidance, oversight and recommendations on ethical issues and dilemmas faced at CEDIS.
