Anabela Paula Brízido is a Teaching Assistant and PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law, a Researcher at the Research & Development Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS). Its research topic deals with cyberwar, armed conflicts and Non-State Actors (privatization of war) in cyberspace. She holds a master’s degree in international law from NOVA School of Law and a Law Degree from Universidade Internacional. She was awarded with a PhD Fellowship by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) between October 2017 and December 2021. She is a member of the Portuguese BAR Association, International Law Association (Portuguese Branch), and Competitive Intelligence & Information Warfare Association. In addition, she is the President of the General Assembly of the National Family Association for the inclusion of Peoples with Disabilities – AFID. She was a visiting researcher visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (2019). She is a Research Member of the Project Legal Pluralism financed by the FCT - PTDC/DIR-OUT/30837/2017. She is a Lawyer and a Trainer in Law fields related to Security issues such as Private security activity, Cyber Defence, Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, data protection and Cyberwarfare.
Anabela Paula Brízido
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