Highlights – Publications

I) Empowering PEOPLE (A1-A4)

Under the leadership of CEDIS, initiatives within this Thematic Line have been strategically geared towards empowering people, fortifying the safeguarding of fundamental and human rights, as well as fostering gender equality and reducing inequalities, in alignment with SDG 5 and 10. Groundbreaking research has been addressing discrimination based on gender, race (A1), and family dynamics (A2), while advocating for humane migration policies (A3) and data protection amidst technological evolution (A4).

  • A1) Helena Pereira de MELO has been contributing to discussions on equity, diversity, and health issues, taking into account marginalized groups, particularly by incorporating diverse perspectives into the development of international guidelines for stem cell science. See her article in Stem Cell Reports 2022 Stem Cell Reports 2022 (Q1, top 10%).
  • Ana Cristina Nogueira da SILVA has been illuminating the historical evolution of constitutional frameworks and their implications for marginalized communities and citizenship. See her articles In: Rechtsgeschichte 2021; Journal of Constitutional History 2020.

SILVA, Cristina Nogueira da (2020). Empire, federalism, nation(s) and homeland(s) in the first Portuguese constitutionalism (1821- 1822).Journal of Constitutional History, 40(2), pp. 57-82 [CS 0.2, 33rd, 1068/1599 History].

  • Teresa Pizarro BELEZA has been challenging traditional legal frameworks and fostering critical reflections on law and gender, emphasizing the interdisciplinary and intersectional nature of this field, and drawing on diverse feminist perspectives. See her article in Ex-Aequeo (Scopus-indexed) 2022 and her Book Chapter published by Hart 2019
  • A1) Cristina QUEIRÓZ has been shedding light on our understanding of human dignity, equality, and social justice. Her analysis has included examining the impact of risk and uncertainty on public health and individuals’ rights, exploring the relationship between socio-economic factors and the realization of human rights, and delving into the philosophical underpinnings of human and social rights. See her five monographic books published by Petroni (Portugal) between 2018 and 2023
  • A1) Soraya Nour SCKELL has been contributing to the investigation of the philosophical conception of human rights and cosmopolitanism, as well as to sociological research on discrimination. See her book chapter published by Routledge 2023.
  • A1) José Zenha Martins has been making significant contributions to the protection of fundamental rights in the workplace. For instance, through his analysis of a European Directive concerning minimum wages in the EU, he has been providing insights into legal interpretations, practical implications, and comparative perspectives. See his article in Revue du Droit du Travail 2023
  • A1) Luís Cabral de OLIVEIRA has been analyzing the application of Portuguese law in Goa, a former Portuguese colony in India, and its representation in literature, offering a fascinating insight into the intersection of legal systems and cultural expressions. See his book chapters published by Routledge 2023 and by University of Wales Press 2019
  • A2) Nausica PALAZZO has been contributing to the advancement of rights protection, particularly related to new forms of family. See her articles in Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 2023; Onati Socio-Legal Series 2020; Global Jurist 2018. In the Top 10%: Review of Faith and International Affairs 2022.

PALAZZO, Nausica (2023). Fedotova and Others v. Russia: Dawn of a new era for European LGBTQ families? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 30(2), pp. 216-228 [CS 1.5, 68th, 275/885 Law] [CS 2023 2.0].

  • A3) José Noronha RODRIGUE’s research has been providing valuable insights into the complexities of human rights in migration contexts, particularly regarding family rights, children’s rights, and cultural diversity. See his 6 book chapters published by Springer between 2021 and 2023.
  • A3) V. CORCODEL’s critical examinations of immigration issues shed light on the legal and policy frameworks shaping responses to refugee crises and the construction of the “non-West” within comparative law, challenging Eurocentric narratives and highlighting the racialized dimensions of immigration governance. See her article in the Top 10%: European Journal of Risk Regulation 2023

CORCORDEL, Veronica.; Fragkou, Dimitra (2023). Europe’s Refugee “Crises” and the Biopolitics of Risk. European Journal of Risk Regulation [CS 4.4, 93rd, 54/885 Law. CS 2023 5.9]

  • A7) Armando Marques GUEDES has been offering valuable insights into safeguarding human dignity amidst conflicts by underscoring the importance of promoting international cooperation and upholding human rights even in the context of security challenges. He counts 2635 citations and an h-index of 29 on Google Scholar. See book chapter published by NOVA Science 2019.
II) Empowering PEOPLE (A5-7)

Moreover, there has been a concerted focus on instilling corporate social responsibility (A5) and reforming criminal justice systems to prioritize human rights (A6). Noteworthy contributions about crisis-stricken regions have been underscoring CEDIS commitment to upholding human dignity amidst international conflicts (A7).

  • A5) Claire BRIGHT has been identifying new ways to effectively regulate multinational corporations in order to ensure respect for human rights and environmental standards. See her publications in: Business and Human Rights Journal 2023 (Q1 top 20%), Business and Politics 2020 (Q1, top 20%); Business and Human Rights Journal 2020 (Q1, top 20%); International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2020 (Q1, top 20%); Sustainability (Switzerland) 2021 (Q1, top 20%).
  • IMPACT: EU Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence has been based on a study co-authored by Bright.

BRIGHT, Claire; Buhmann, Karin (2021). Risk-based due diligence, climate change, human rights and the just transition. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(18), 10454 [CS 5.8, 87th, 101/779 Geography, Planning and Development. CS 2023 6.8]

  • A6) Frederico de Lacerda da Costa PINTO has been illuminating the development of criminal law during the late Enlightenment and the nineteenth century Particularly, his examination of positivist theories and the influence of the French Penal Code of 1810 has been providing an understanding of the evolution of legal systems and their societal impacts. See his article in Glossae. European Journal of Legal History 2020.

DA COSTA PINTO, Frederico de Lacerda; Caeiro, Pedro (2020). A frantic mayfly at the turn of the century: The positivist movement and Portuguese criminal law. In: Glossae. European Journal of Legal History. 17, p. 396-439 [CS 0.1, 26th, 1174/1599 History]

  • Athina SACHOULIDOU’s work at the intersection of criminal justice and technology has been addressing the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and big data technologies on legal processes, advocating for procedural safeguards to uphold individuals’ rights in the face of increasing automation. See her articles in the Top 15%: Journal of Contemporary European Studies 2022 (2 articles). In the Top 10%: Artificial Intelligence and Law 2023

SACHOULIDOU, Athina (2023).Going beyond the “common suspects”: to be presumed innocent in the era of algorithms, big data and artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence and Law. [CS 8.7, 98% 15/885 Law]

  • A7) Jeremy SARKIN’s extensive research on human rights violations in contexts like colonial genocides and post-conflict societies has been significantly influencing legal frameworks and accountability mechanisms, shaping protections for affected individuals worldwide. 26 Scopus-indexed articles between 2018 and 2013. See his articles in the Top 25%: International Journal of Human Rights 2018, 2021. In the Top 20%: International Review of Victimology 2019. Human Rights Review 2018. In the Top 10%: Caucasus Survey 2022 (4 articles); Journal of Human Rights Practice 2020
  • IMPACT: UN Body for Disappeared Persons in Syria approved in 2023 has been following the work of SARKIN.

SARKIN, J.; Bhandari, R.K (2020). Why Political Appointments to Truth Commissions Cause Difficulties for these Institutions. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 12(2), pp. 444-470 [CS 1.6, 93%, 110/1599 History].

  • A7) F. PATHÉ-DUARTE has been highlighting the increasing exposure to non-kinetic hybrid threats suffered by governments, particularly in cyberspace, focusing on narrative-driven operations such as fake news, far-right movements, and strategic leaks. See his article in Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 2020

PATHÉ-DUARTE, Felipe (2020), “Non-kinetic hybrid threats in Europe – the Portuguese case study (2017-18)“, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 433-451 [CS 5.0, 80%, 41/213 Public Administration]

  • A7) Laura ÁLVAREZ’s research on responsibilities of armed groups, particularly her examination of issues such as reparations to victims, has been contributing to shaping legal frameworks for enhancing protection and accountability mechanisms for individuals affected by armed conflict and human rights violations. See her articles in African Human Rights Law Journal 2020; Netherlands International Law Review 2020, quoted in fn. 80 of the UN Report A/HRC/51/34 .
III) Protecting the PLANET (B1-4)

CEDIS has been contributing significantly to research on sustainable transformations with far-reaching implications for planetary health and intergenerational equity, aligning with SDG 7, 13, 14, and 15. Research endeavors have been spanning the spectrum from land conservation, scrutinizing human-induced environmental impacts and energy dynamics (B1), to safeguarding oceanic (B2) and airspace ecosystems (B3). Innovations in intellectual property frameworks (B4) have been underscoring a paradigm shift towards sustainable development imperatives.

  • B1) Lucila de ALMEIDA and Fabrizio ESPOSITO have been criticizing the Barrier Index (BI), which assesses barriers to entry in EU electricity and gas markets, and suggesting measures to enhance indicator quality. See their article in the Top 10%: Energy Policy 2022

B1) ALMEIDA, Lucila de; Esposito, Fabrizio; van Zeben, J. (2022). When indicators fail electricity policies: Pitfalls of the EU’s retail energy market Barrier Index. Energy Policy, 165, 112892 [CS 15.2, 97%, 10/384 – Environmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law. CS 2023 17.1]

  • B4) Giulia PRIORA’s research in intellectual property law in the digital era has been sheding light on complex legal issues surrounding the application of IP within the educational and media contexts, and vis-à-vis emerging technological realities, such as automatic management of rights via computer programs. See her publications in Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 2023; Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 2019. In the Top 25%: Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law 2023; IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 2022

PRIORA, Giulia; Jütte, B.J.; Mezei, P. (2022); Copyright and Digital Teaching Exceptions in the EU: Legislative Developments and Implementation Models of Art. 5 CDSM Directive. IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 53(4), pp. 543-566 [CS 2.0, 76th, 210/885 Law]


Under the stewardship of CEDIS, the third thematic line has been underscoring the imperative of fostering resilient institutional frameworks underpinning sustainable development goals, echoing the mandates of SDG 12 and 16. Through meticulous examination of regulatory compliance in economic processes (C1), of consumption patterns (C2), and of financial markets (C3), research on transformative interventions to redefine societal norms has been advanced.

  • C1) F. ESPOSITO has been contributing to advancements in interdisciplinary studies involving law and economics. See his publications in: International Journal of Evidence and Proof 2023; Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship 2021; Global Jurist 2019. In the Top 20%: Journal of Argumentation in Context 2020. In the Top 10%: Computer Law and Security Review 2022.
  • C2) J. CARVALHO has been contributing to the advancement of consumer protection, particularly in issues concerning digital services and online platforms. See his publications in European Business Law Review 2022; Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional 2020.

CARVALHO, Jorge Morais; Lodder, A.R (2022). Online Platforms: Towards an Information Tsunami with New Requirements on Moderation, Ranking, and Traceability. European Business Law Review 33(4), pp. 537-556, [CS 0.1, 55th, 390/885 Law. CS 2023 1.1]

  • C3) Luís Tomé FETEIRA has been playing a significant role in research on financial regulation, with a focus on liability frameworks for financial supervisors and stress-testing in EU banking. His contributions have included examining risk finance investment and state aid, as well as discussing regulatory responses to abusive practices in the financial sector. See his book chapters published by Oxford University Press 2022 (two), by Sweet & Maxwell 2021, and by Edward Elgar 2018.
  • C3) Francisco COSTA-CABRAL has been exploring collusion boundaries in EU competition law and crisis management. See his book chapters published by Hart 2021 and 2023.

Concurrently, research has been made on the necessary interventions in the legal processes aimed to enhance regulation mechanisms (C4), legal reasoning (C5), and dispute resolution (C6). Lastly, innovative approaches to governance (C7) and equitable benefit distribution mechanisms (C8) have been holding promise in fostering inclusive societies, while the adoption of new methodologies integrating data analytics into legal science has been reinforcing CEDIS’s unwavering commitment to conducting socio-legal research (C9).

  • C4) F. COUTINHO has been examining the complexities of EU decision-making processes and member state dynamics, particularly regarding the Treaty of Amsterdam and the prospect of holding referendums. See his publications in Italian Journal of Constitutional Law 2018; Perspectives on Federalism 2018.
  • C5) Luís Duarte D’ALMEIDA has been contributing to debates within legal theory, notably by investigating the complexities of applying legal principles. See his publications in Ratio Juris 2022; Law and Philosophy 2021.

D’ALMEIDA, Luís Duarte (2022). Wrongs and Sanctions in the Pure Theory of Law. Ratio Juris, 2022, 35(3), pp. 247-257 [CS 0.6, 40th, 524/885 Law] [CS 2023 0.8].

  • C5) Raquel Barradas de FREITAS has been exploring various aspects of trust across disciplines. See her co-edited book by Hart 2021.
  • C6) Maria Helena BRITO has been making significant contributions to international private law, particularly through her analysis of conflict-of-laws rules. One example is her comparison between German conflict-of-laws rules on voluntary agency and the Spanish Civil Code. See her article in Anuario Espanol de Derecho Internacional Privado 2018.
  • C6) Mariana França GOUVEIA has been making a significant contribution to furthering studies on arbitration and interim measures in the Portuguese-speaking world. See her book chapters published by Oxford University Press 2020, and by Kluwer 2020.
  • C7) Filipe Brito BASTOS has been addressing preconceptions originating from national legal frameworks and proposing new approaches to developing EU administrative law doctrines. See his publicaitons in Review of European Administrative Law 2021; European Public Law 2020. In the Top 20%: European Constitutional Law Review 2023 and 2020; German Law Journal 2021; Common Market Law Review 2019 and 2018. In the Top 10%: European Journal of Risk Regulation 2019.

BASTOS, Filipe Brito; Palka, Przemyslaw (2023). Is Centralised General Data Protection Regulation Enforcement a Constitutional Necessity? European Constitutional Law Review, 19(3), pp. 487-517 [CS 3.0, 87th, 110/885 Law] [CS 2023 2.7].

  • C7) Vera Lúcia RAPOSO has been producing pioneering work in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse, expressed in a portfolio of 50 articles in Scopus-index. See her articles In the Top 10%: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 2023; Information and Communications Technology Law 2023 (2 articles); AI and Society 2023; International Journal of Law and Information Technology 2022; Journal of Medical Ethics 2020; Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2020 and 2019; Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2020.

RAPOSO, Vera Lúcia (2023). When facial recognition does not ‘recognize’: erroneous identifications and resulting liabilities. AI and Society [CS 5.3, 97%, 18/762 Philosophy]

  • C7) Luís TERRINHA has been discussing the intersystemic rationality of administrative law, focusing on reflexiveness and structural couplings. See his book chapter published by Springer 2021.
  • C7) Jorge Bacelar GOUVEIA has been significantly impacting constitutional law, particularly through his analysis of post-colonial constitutional developments in the Lusophone world. He counts 1414 citations and an h-index of 18 on Google Scholar. See his article in Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado 2018, and his book chapter published by Kluwer 2018.
  • C8) Rita Calçada PIRES has been providing valuable insights into the complex intersection of tax policy, sovereignty, and the evolving landscape of multilateral cooperation in international taxation. See her book chapter published by Kluwer 2021,and by IBFD Publishing 2022.
  • C9) Margarida Lima REGO has been critically examining various aspects of insurance law, including discrimination bans, egalitarian accounts of distributive justice in insurance practices, transparency in insurance regulation, and the impact of technology-based peer-to-peer business models on insurance. See her articles in AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019.

REGO, Margarida Lima (2022). Discrimination Bans and Insurance Law. AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation, 5, pp. 3-26. [CS 0.4, 25th, 659/885 Law. CS 2023 0.7]

NOVA Research Portal

You can access all the output of CEDIS researchers here.
