CEDIS Academy

CEDIS Academy

Coaching and mentoring

CEDIS offers support to researchers throughout the research cycle: from pre-award, including funding counselling for all types of funding, to post-award, including project management and communication of results. This support is based on services provided by its “Science Management” Office, with the support of an external consultant. In terms of training, CEDIS has been organising workshops for its research community on topics including, among others:

  • Writing funding proposals
  • Career development with European funding
  • Specific calls for national and European funding (e.g., Horizon Europe, ERASMUS+)
  • Gender equality and Open Science
  • Research Impact

CEDIS has also invested in training its staff, including best practices in Research Management. The support offered to researchers follows the principle of building internal knowledge and career development. With regard to building internal knowledge, training with the external consultant includes the active participation of CEDIS research managers, the recording of all training sessions and shared resources for researchers. As far as career development for researchers is concerned, it includes inviting successful Principal Investigators to share their success stories, tips and best practices. Individual support for researchers is tailored to career expectations and needs, followed by mapping of funding opportunities, individual meetings and proposal reviews. In addition, national structures, i.e. the national contact points for European funding programmes, are invited to participate in activities with researchers to prepare applications and share insights for calls.


MSCA-PF 2024 Open Day

Para os candidatos interessados em desenvolver os seus projetos pós-doutorais no CEDIS, vem aí o MSCA NOVA Open Day. Inscreva-se, até às 16h do dia 26 de maio! O MSCA-PF Open Day 2024, é uma sessão online especialmente concebida para...

Plano de Formação Funding sessions – 2023-2024-2

Dia e hora Tópico Link de inscrição do formulário Link zoom (link permanente) 05/01/2024 15h00-16h00 Funding sessions: Ciência Aberta e Género https://forms.gle/TXPTFZUA15TPKbQc7 https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94611175458?pw d=d080TW4vd09JV1gxeUZVcXRD QlJpZz09 ID da reunião: 946 1117 5458 Senha: 714581 19/01/2024 15h00-16h00 Construção do CV: narrativas de...

Plano de formação Funding sessions 2023/2024

Plano de formação Funding sessions 2023/2024 Carolina Varela 10 anos de experiência em gestão de ciência: grant writing / apoio de desenvolvimento de carreira de investigadores Atualmente Policy Analyst na International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA) e anteriormente na...
