Networks and Partnerships

Networks and Partnerships

International networks

CEDIS benefits from NSL’s affiliations with prestigious international research networks. These affiliations facilitate collaborative projects and the sharing of vital resources to advance research agendas. Notable affiliations include:

  • a) EUTOPIA
  • b) ELFA: European Association of Law Faculties
  • c) Global Campus of Human Rights
  • d) The Global Compact
  • e) Themis Network
  • f) Odysseus Network



CEDIS also benefits from NOVA School of Law’s collaboration agreements with various institutions, such as the European Law Institute.


Regular Collaborations

The CEDIS Knowledge Centres have regular collaborations with various institutions. For example:

  • NOVA IPSI collaborates with various academic associations, such as the European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network (EIPTN), the Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP) and the European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP).
  • NOVA GFLaw collaborates with Berkeley Law School.
  • NOVA BHR collaborates with renowned forums and associations, such as the Teaching BHR forum, Global BHR Scholar Association, European Society of International Law and the Association for Human Rights Institutes, to promote human rights research and advocacy.
  • SPARC collaborates with key entities such as the Portuguese Space Agency, the Portuguese Air Force and the European Centre for Space Law, where SPARC acts as the National Contact Point for the ECSL.
  • NOVA Tax collaborates with the Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL) at the University of Amsterdam to promote research and academic exchange in tax law.
  • The NOVA Compliance Lab collaborates with the UN Global Compact Network to promote corporate social responsibility and ethical business practices.
  • The Luso-Spanish Meetings of Historians of Law (EHLHD) arose from collaborations between CEDIS and research centres in Portugal and Spain. With four successful editions already held, the fifth edition is scheduled to take place in Salamanca in June 2024. The aim of these meetings is to foster a network of young legal historians from the Iberian Peninsula, providing them with training to develop joint projects. They will persist from 2025 to 2029.

In addition, CEDIS researchers are actively involved in activities organised by the following networks and associations:

  • Law and Society Networks, Socio-Law, Sociology of Law:Law and Society Association (LSA); Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL); European Socio-Legal Studies Association (ESLSA); International Sociological Association (ISA); Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL); Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities (ASLCH).
  • Legal Anthropology Networks: European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA); LawNet; American Anthropological Association (AAA); Law and Society Association; Law and Anthropology Network (LAWN).
  • Networks of Critical Legal Studies: Critical Legal Studies Network (CLS); Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (ALSP).
  • Socio-legal Networks of the Global South: Law and Society in Latin America (LASA); African Law and Society Association (ALSA).
  • Intersectional Networks: Intersectionality, Law, and Society Network (ILSN); Feminist Legal Studies Network (FLSN).
  • Other: European Labor Law Network; International Association of Insurance Law.