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Francisco Proença Garcia
Francisco Proença Garcia
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Nota biográfica
Francisco Proença is currently Associate Professor with Habilitation and Dean for Faculty at the Institute for Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University; Visiting Academic at University of Saint Joseph (Macau), Instituto Universitário Militar (Lisbon) and Mozambique Catholic University (Beira). Among other duties, he served as national representative in the Science and Technology Organization / North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2014-16), Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies of the Military Academy (2014), Advisor of the Chief of the Army Staff 2011-14); Military Advisor to the Portuguese Delegation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Defense Agency (2008-11), President of the Scientific Council of the Higher Institute of Business Communication (2013), Vice-President of the Army Research Center (2002 and 2014), Planning Officer of the PKF / UNTAET Central Sector Command Headquarters in Timor-Leste (2001). Francisco Proença Garcia is Academic of the International Academy of Portuguese Culture, Academic of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Military History and Director of the Lisbon Geographical Society. He has written 16 books and published several dozens of scientific articles in the areas of International Relations, Security Studies and African Studies. His most recent edited book is Authoritarian Power and the Challenges to Liberal Democracy (2022), Aletheia, Lisbon.
Áreas de interesse de investigação
Segurança, Defesa, África
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