Artificial Intelligence, Fundamental Rights and Technological Development: Is There a Crowd in a Regulation?
Vera Lúcia Raposo
When, in April 2021, the European Commission released its proposal for a future European Union (EU) regulation on artificial intelligence (AI), the so-called Artificial Intelligence Act (hereinafter, the ‘AIA’), experts and stakeholders from around the world held their breath. Curiosity was high (although the 2020 White Paper on AI had already shed some light on what was to come) and the anxiety of those who created a business based on AI technology was no less. Everyone knows what is at stake: the content of the future European regulation on AI can dictate the success (or failure) of many projects (business and otherwise) in Europe and beyond (due to the extraterritorial effects of the AIA).
Raposo, Vera Lúcia. / Artificial Intelligence, Fundamental Rights and Technological Development : Is There a Crowd in a Regulation?. 2023. World Association for Medical Law (WAML).