
Anabela Paula Brízido
Anabela Paula Brízido
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Nota biográfica

Anabela Paula Brízido is a Teaching Assistant and PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law, a Researcher at the Research & Development Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS). Its research topic deals with cyberwar, armed conflicts and Non-State Actors (privatization of war) in cyberspace. She holds a master’s degree in international law from NOVA School of Law and a Law Degree from Universidade Internacional. She was awarded with a PhD Fellowship by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) between October 2017 and December 2021. She is a member of the Portuguese BAR Association, International Law Association (Portuguese Branch), and Competitive Intelligence & Information Warfare Association. In addition, she is the President of the General Assembly of the National Family Association for the inclusion of Peoples with Disabilities – AFID. She was a visiting researcher visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (2019). She is a Research Member of the Project Legal Pluralism financed by the FCT - PTDC/DIR-OUT/30837/2017. She is a Lawyer and a Trainer in Law fields related to Security issues such as Private security activity, Cyber Defence, Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, data protection and Cyberwarfare.

Áreas de interesse de investigação
International Law, International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law,Cyber Defense, Cybersecurity, Cybercrime , Legal Pluralism