Júlia Schütz Veiga
Júlia Schütz Veiga
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Nota biográfica
PhD candidate at NOVA School of Law, UNL, and ongoing Biotechnology graduate course at UniCesumar, Petrópolis. Master's degree in Law and Economics of the Sea from NOVA School of Law, UNL, and graduate degree in International Law from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Research Groups/centers of study: CEDIS and NOVA Ocean of NOVA School of Law, UNL; CEDMAR, University of São Paulo (USP); CEDEPEM, UFPel and UFF; and LABMAR, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG).
Áreas de interesse de investigação
Law of the Sea; Maritime Law; Public International Law; Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
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