2nd International Conference of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era

2nd International Conference of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era

11 and 12 July 2024

The main objective of this annual conference is to create a forum where scholars, practitioners, non-governmental organizations, cooperative and social sector, and state agencies with an interest in insurance will meet and discuss topics that are of interest to all, with a focus on public policy recommendations on the role of insurance in fostering sustainable development goals.

The aim is to contribute to the generation of knowledge and raise awareness as to the role of insurance for the equal enjoyment of human rights and the achievement of SDGs, in line with the core values of the European Union.

In 2024, this annual conference will be devoted to SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

The overarching topic of this year’s conference will be sustainable insurance. What is sustainable insurance? “Sustainable insurance is a strategic approach where all activities in the insurance value chain, including interactions with stakeholders, are done in a responsible and forward-looking way by identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social and governance issues. Sustainable insurance aims to reduce risk, develop innovative solutions, improve business performance, and contribute to environmental, social and economic sustainability”. UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance

We also welcome interventions exploring links between this noble goal and other SDG, notably 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy, 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, and 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.


Coordinators: Margarida Lima Rego, Maria del Val Bolívar Oñoro, Maria Elisabete Ramos.

Scientific Committee Members: Claire BrightFabrizio EspositoJoana Campos CarvalhoSoraya Nour-SckellMartinho Lucas Pires e Vítor Boaventura Xavier.

Location and date

The main conference will follow a hybrid format, the physical location being at NOVA School of Law. The conference will take place on 11 July 2024.

On 12 July 2024, a series of additional and related discussion panels composed of young scholars and practitioners will take place at the auditorium of the Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões (ASF). All conference participants are welcome to attend this session either online or in person at no additional cost


11 July

Location: Amphitheatre A, NOVA School of Law

8:30 am – 9:00 am | Welcome desk and accreditation

9:00 am – 9:30 am | Opening ceremony

  • Margarida Lima Rego, Dean NOVA School of Law
  • Margarida Corrêa de Aguiar, President of the Board of Directors of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF)

9:30 am – 10:30 am | 1st keynote speaker

«Insurance and Development: the example of Brazil»

  • Professor Doctor Alessandro Octaviani (University of São Paulo – USP), Superintendent of the Brazilian Private Insurance Superintendence (SUSEP)

Discussant: Ernesto Tzirulnik, Founder member of the Brazilian Institute of Insurance Law

Debate and Q&A

Coffee Break

11:30 am – 12:30 pm | 1st Discussion roundtable

International Perspectives
Moderator: Margarida Lima Rego

  • Anaïs Tobalagba, RAID
  • Nic de Maesschalck, BIPAR
  • Maria del Val Bolívar Oñoro, University of Alcalá

Debate and Q&A

Lunch break

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm | 2nd keynote speakers

«One year after, reflections on the Health Insurance Observatory announced during the 1st Conference.»

  • Diogo Alarcão, Member of the Board of Directors of ASF
  • Pedro Simões Coelho/ Pedro Borrego, NOVA Information Management School

Debate and Q&A

3:30 pm – 4:20 pm| Paper presentations and young scholars conference prize

Moderator: Maria del Val Bolívar Oñoro

«The distribution of investment life insurance contracts in the light of the customer’s sustainable development preferences – a comparative and EU law perspective»
Mariusz Fras e Magdalena Habdas, Poland

«Microinsurance for Just Transition: Fostering Sustainable Development Goals»
Gabriel Araujo, France

«Long-term Health Insurance in Employment Relationships: Reflections on the Challenges of its Implementation in Brazil and Portugal»
Andrea Zanetti, Brazil

Debate and Q&A

Coffee Break

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm | 2nd Discussion roundtable

The point of view of the market
Moderator: Maria Elisabete Ramos

  • Filipe Charters de Azevedo, Safe-Crop
  • Sofia Horta, Fidelidade
  • Vasco Baptista, MDS

Debate and Q&A

6:30 pm – 7:30 pm | 3rd keynote speaker

Insurance Corporate Governance and AI in the SDG Era

  • Sara Landini, University of Florence, Italy

Discussant: Fabrizio Esposito, NOVA School of Law

Debate and Q&A

12 July

Location: Auditorium ASF: Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões, Av. da República, 76, 1600-205 Lisbon

9:00 am – 1:00 pm | Presentations by PhD and Master Students

Moderator: Maria del Val Bolivar Oñoro

PhD candidates:

    • «Insurance in Climate Litigation: a Case Studies Overview»Vítor Boaventura Xavier
    • «The idea of sustainable insurance as a trust-building tool in the insurance contract – comparative law analysis»Oskar Zgonina

Master students:

  • «From Fragmentation to Fairness: Rethinking Insurance Guarantees in the EU», Matilde Ribeiro Lourenço
  • «Insurance: a shield for decent work and economic growth»Anthony Novaes da Silva

Ongoing debate and Q&A


The conference fee is 100 euros. This fee will be reduced to 50 euros in case of remote participation.

special reduced fee of 50 euros will apply to members of AIDA.

No fee will be applied to students and persons with disabilities (proof of status is required).

All selected speakers must register for the conference but their attendance will be free of charge. The conference does not cover expenses for travel and accommodation. This does not apply to keynote speakers.


To register and/or request more information, please contact info@aida-portugal.org

Funding: This Conference forms part of the Jean Monnet Module “EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era” (ref. no. 101085125), funded by the European Union (Erasmus+ Programme)

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