CEDIS Regulation of the Individual Scientific Program for Academic Visitors
Regulation 2024/02
CEDIS, within an international and interdisciplinary academic environment, welcomes Academic Visitors from other institutions who wish to conduct a short research period with us. This program is offered to those who hold a stable position at another institution. This Regulation establishes the principles and procedures of the Academic Visitor program. Those pursuing a doctorate should apply for the Sandwich Doctorate program at NOVA School of Law. Those who have already completed their doctorate and wish to visit for more than three months should apply for the Post-Doctorate program at NOVA School of Law.
Article 1 – Purpose
- This Regulation establishes the applicable regime for the individual scientific research program of an Academic Visitor.
Article 2 – Objectives
- The main objectives of the Academic Visitor program are: a) To significantly develop new and relevant theoretical and/or methodological competencies for both the researcher and the CEDIS scientific community; b) To promote the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge and its translation into societal benefits; c) To strengthen cooperation with other national or foreign educational and research institutions.
- To achieve these objectives, the candidate commits to: a) Integrate into the academic community of CEDIS, actively participating in various activities developed at this institution; b) Publish the results of their research conducted at CEDIS in indexed publications, demonstrating their validation by the scientific community.
Article 3 – Eligibility
- Academic Visitors at CEDIS are researchers with a completed doctorate, national or foreign, who hold a stable position at another national or foreign institution.
Article 4 – Duration
- The Academic Visitor program lasts about a month.
Article 5 – Academic Host
- The work program of the Academic Visitor is developed together with an Academic Host, a CEDIS researcher specialized in the domain of the proposed work, and the Academic Visitor must integrate into one of the CEDIS research lines.
Article 6 – Application Submission
- Applications for the Academic Visitor program are submitted to the CEDIS Board.
- The application must include: a) Work program; b) proof of doctorate completion; c) proof of a stable position at another national or foreign institution.
- The application should specify: a) The Knowledge Centre or Project in which the Academic Visitor will be integrated; b) The desired start date and end date; c) The Academic Host’s name.
- In justified cases, the candidate may be advised by the CEDIS Board to revise their work program.
- Applications can be submitted at any time of the year.
- The application must be submitted at least three months before the planned start date of the program.
Article 7 – Application Approval
- The approval of the Academic Visitor program application is the responsibility of the CEDIS Board.
- The CEDIS support service informs the candidate and the Academic Host of the application approval.
- The researcher is designated as Academic Visitor in one of three categories.
Article 8 – Rights of the Academic Visitor
- Academic Visitors have the right to use the common academic research and development spaces and resources of NSL, like other researchers.
- Academic Visitors have access to the library and all its resources, including restricted-access databases.
- Academic Visitors have the right to participate in conferences or other scientific events organized at CEDIS.
- Academic Visitors can attend and present their work at SPEED.
- Academic Visitors can integrate into the CEDIS research lines closest to their interests, actively participating in their activities.
- Upon invitation from an NSL faculty member, Academic Visitors can collaborate in teaching or lecturing some classes.
- Upon invitation from an NSL faculty member, Academic Visitors can propose short courses and other non-degree courses, subject to approval by the Scientific Council.
- Participation in the Academic Visitor program does not create any employment or functional link between CEDIS, NSL, and the Academic Visitor.
Article 9 – Duties of the Academic Visitor
- The Academic Visitor commits to respecting the operational norms and regulations of NSL and CEDIS.
- The Academic Visitor must actively participate in at least one SPEED session, presenting their work and offering commentary on colleagues’ presentations.
Article 10 – Evaluation (if desired)
- If desired for certification purposes, the evaluation of the Academic Visitor is based on a report. Within one month of completing the Academic Visitor program, the researcher submits a report of activities to the CEDIS Board, detailing scientific activities conducted, results obtained, and a critical analysis of the program.
- The report must include the CEDIS Academic Host’s opinion.
- The CEDIS Board analyses these elements and approves or disapproves the activity report, assessing the program’s progress.
- The CEDIS Board informs the Academic Visitor and the Academic Host of the evaluation outcome.
Article 11 – Certificate (if desired)
- Successful completion of an Academic Visitor program does not confer an academic degree.
- If desired, a successful evaluation grants a certificate from CEDIS, mentioning the program, the Academic Host, the research duration at CEDIS, and the research project titles.
Article 12 – Non-completion
- Non-completion of the Academic Visitor program, due to withdrawal, abandonment, or failure (if evaluation was desired), does not entitle the issuance of any certificate.
Article 13 – Mentions
- Any scientific publications resulting from the research conducted at CEDIS must mention the Academic Visitor program at CEDIS, and the integration into the CEDIS research lines.
Article 14 – Available Positions
- CEDIS accommodates up to 5 in-person Academic Visitors simultaneously.
Academic Visitor
- Alessandra Porcari – Institution: Trento University – Period: 01/03/2024-31/05/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Green Lab/Lucila de Almeida.
- Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza – Institution: Fluminense Federal University – Period: 14/11/2023-02/12/2023 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – NOVA BHRE/Claire Bright.
- Anaïs Tobalagba – Institution: NGO especializada em Business and Human Rights – Period: 03/01/2024-20/12/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – NOVA BHRE/Claire Bright.
- Andrea Cerofolini – Institution: University of Bologna, Italy – Period: 01/06/2024-30/11/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: NOVA BHRE/Claire Bright.
- Andrea Zanetti – Institution: Faculdade de Direito da USP – Period: 06/02/2024-18/02/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Margarida Lima Rego.
- Antonia Grimolizzi – Institution: Universidade de Pisa – Period: 01/05/2024-31/07/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Fabrizio Esposito.
- Arnau Nonell i Rodríguez – Institution: Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona- Period: 14/02/2024-01/07/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Center for the Study of Gender, Family and Law/Nausica Palazzo.
- Daniele Mendes – Institution: Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – Period: 27/06/2024-04/08/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Soraya Nour Sckell.
- Elena Avilés – Institution: Universidade de Málaga – Period: 02/09/2024-04/10/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Felipe Pathé Duarte.
- Errol Mendes – Institution: Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa – Period: 01/02/2024-31/03/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: NOVA BHRE/Claire Bright.
- Giorgio Beretta – Institution: University of Amsterdam – Period: 04/12/2023-29/02/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Tax Lab/ Rosa (ERASMUS Mobility).
- Héctor Domínguez Benito – Institution: Universidade Autónoma de Madrid – Period: 01/07/2025-31/12/2025 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Cristina Nogueira da Silva.
- Jean Pierre de Roo – Institution: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – Period: 01/10/2023-31/03/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – Cristina Nogueira da Silva.
- Jonathan Kolieb – Institution: RMIT University – Period: 20/11/2023-25/11/2023 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – Laura Iñigo Álvarez.
- Kátia Lorena Novais Almeida – Institution: Universidade do Estado da Bahia – Period: 23/09/2024-22/12/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Cristina Nogueira da Silva.
- Laura Arenas Peralta – Institution: Carlos III University – Period: 08/04/2024-30/06/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Laura Iñigo Álvarez.
- Luca Tenreira – Institution: Ecole Supérieure Nationale – Period: 02/07/2023-28/07/2023 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – NOVA BHRE/Claire Bright.
- Maria Augusta Paim – Institution: University of Nottingham – Period: 10/07/2023- 28/07/2023 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – Green Lab/Lucila de Almeida.
- Marta Rodríguez – Institution: Universidad de Oviedo – Period: 01/02/2024-31/05/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Cristina Nogueira da Silva.
- Odile Dua – Institution: International law Centre of the Université Libre de Bruxelles – Period: 01/08/2023-31/10/2023 – KC | Professor | Supervisor – Laura Iñigo Álvarez.
- Sanna Mustaasari – Institution: UEF Law School, University of Eastern Finland – Period: 05/04/2024-12/04/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Nausica Palazzo.
- Tobias Mahler – Institution: University of Oslo – Period: 01/04/2024-31/12/2024 – KC | Professor | Supervisor: Vera Lúcia Raposo.