CEDIS Open Access Policy
Copyright Compliance
As per CEDIS Copyright Policy, authors fully retain copyrights over their works, including their scientific publications, and are the sole responsible for them. Authors must ensure that their works do not violate copyrights by third parties.
Open Access
CEDIS proactively promotes open access culture, compliant and sustainable practices of inclusive access to scientific knowledge, and the promotion of the human rights to education and enjoyment of scientific research.
All scientific publications stemming from research activities funded by CEDIS must be made available in an open access format and assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Such open access format can be achieved by way of first publication under the Creative Commons 4.0 International Licence BY-NC-SA (available here) or other licensing indications by the author enabling the free access to the work.
Such open access format can be otherwise achieved by way of secondary publication of the work on the institutional repository of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (RUN, available here) and/or other academic repositories (e.g. SSRN).
Self-Archiving Policy
Under this Open Access policy, authors can deposit their Preprints and/or Accepted Author’s Manuscripts in any academic repository, personal webpage, or other platform.
Unless otherwise specified in the publishing contract, authors can also deposit the editor’s final version of their manuscripts, with no embargo period.