NOVA School of Law, in cooperation with the Portuguese Ministry of Maritime Affairs, is honoured to announce the call for papers for the international workshop entitled «From Integrated Maritime Policy to International Ocean Governance: the progressive development of EU maritime policies».
The workshop will take place during Portugal’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, as a side event to the Ministerial Conference «A Blue Agenda in the Green Deal».
The workshop is also an opportunity for NOVA School of Law to celebrate the United Nations World Oceans Day, which occurs every year on June 8th. However, due to constraints resulting from the official agenda of the Presidency, the Workshop will take place the following day, on 9th June, 2021.
The main focus of the Workshop is the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy and how it can be reinforced to meet the current and future challenges facing the Ocean and humankind. The ocean-climate nexus approach as a link between the European Green Deal and the Blue Agenda is very much welcomed.
The organizers of the Workshop invite paper proposals to be submitted by 28th May, 2021, and encourage the submission of proposals that adopt inter and multidisciplinary approaches.
Submissions should include a 500-word abstract and a 150-word biographical note of the proponent.
Please note that the Workshop will be hosted virtually, given the continued uncertainty posed by the global pandemic.
Submissions and for questions regarding the Workshop please contact:
Professor Assunção Cristas: assuncaocristas@novalaw.unl.pt
Professor Vasco Becker-Weinberg: vasco.weinberg@novalaw.unl.pt