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José Fontes
José Fontes
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JOSÉ FONTES is currently full professor (with tenure) of Public Law and Political Science at the Portuguese Military Academy where is coordinator of the Legal Sciences Section and guest full professor at NOVA School of Law and at Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security. Scientific researcher of the Center on Law and Society (NOVA School of Law); Center for Public Policy and Administration (School of Social and Political Sciences - University of Lisbon); and of the CINAMIL (Center of Scientific Research of the Military Academy). He served as secretary-general of National Council for Evaluation of Higher Education. Author of several books and papers notably on Political Science, Constitutional Law, International Law, Public Administration and Administrative Law, and Defence, Home Affairs and Internal Security. Supervisor of postdoctoral studies, PHD thesis and master's dissertations.


JOSÉ FONTES é professor catedrático da Academia Militar — Instituto Universitário Militar e professor catedrático convidado da NOVA School of Law e do Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna. Coordenador da Secção Disciplinar de Ciências Jurídicas da Academia Militar. Investigador científico integrado do CEDIS — Centro de I&D sobre Direito e Sociedade da NOVA School of Law. Colabora ainda como investigador no Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas/ISCSP (Universidade de Lisboa), no Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação da Academia Militar e no Observatório Político — Plataforma de Investigação em Estudos Políticos. Eleito Académico de Número da Academia Internacional da Cultura Portuguesa (2014) onde foi Académico Correspondente desde 2011. Exerceu as funções de secretário-geral do Conselho Nacional de Avaliação do Ensino Superior, de secretário-geral adjunto da Academia Internacional da Cultura Portuguesa e de secretário do Instituto de Altos Estudos da Academia de Ciências de Lisboa para os setores do Seminário Permanente dos Jovens Cientistas e do Ensino Sénior. Autor de vários livros e artigos designadamente sobre Direito da Segurança, Direito Administrativo, Direito Constitucional, Direito Internacional, Administração Pública, e Ciência Política,. Supervisor e orientador de relatórios de pós-doutoramento, teses de doutoramento e dissertações de mestrado. JOSÉ FONTES is currently full professor (with tenure) of Public Law and Political Science at the Portuguese Military Academy where is coordinator of the Legal Sciences Section and guest full professor at NOVA School of Law and at Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security. Scientific researcher of the Center on Law and Society (NOVA School of Law); Center for Public Policy and Administration (School of Social and Political Sciences — University of Lisbon); and of the CINAMIL (Center of Scientific Research of the Military Academy). He served as secretary-general of National Council for Evaluation of Higher Education. Author of several books and papers notably on Political Science, Constitutional Law, International Law, Public Administration and Administrative Law, and Defence, Home Affairs and Internal Security. Supervisor of postdoctoral studies, PHD thesis and master's dissertations.

Áreas de interesse de investigação
Direito da Segurança. Direito Administrativo.. Direito Constitucional.