Call open from April 18, 2022 to April 29, 2022








In accordance with Article 7 of the Research Grants Regulations of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and in the context of the activities of the project Tracking illicit money flows_101022004_TRACE, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-SU-SEC-2020,  a call for applications is hereby launched for awarding one (1) Postdoctoral Research Grant (Bolsas de Investigação Pós-doutoral – BIPD) to collaborate in the aforementioned research project, hosted by CEDIS, Centre for R&D on Law and Society (UI0714), of the NOVA University of Lisbon – NOVA School of Law, coordinated by Coventry University (UK) and Professor Umut Turksen at consortium level and Professor Athina Sachoulidou at the level of NOVA School of Law, under the following terms:


Work Plan

The scholarship holder will be expected to contribute to the following activities:

1) analysis and comparison of cross-border criminal investigations and prosecutions involving illicit financial flows across Europe aiming to identify gaps and good practices;

2) design of best practices for cross-border investigations and prosecutions of transnational crimes and transactions concerning illicit money flows;

3) legal impact assessment of TRACE technologies, particularly through the lens of EU data protection and electronic evidence law;

4) assessment of TRACE compliance with core principles of substantive and procedural criminal law;

5) identification of TRACE implications for society;

6) drafting recommendations on the basis of the ethical, legal, human rights and social impact assessment on the use of TRACE technologies

7) research ethics design;

8) training and dissemination activities, such as seminars and workshops to be addressed to the academic community, professionals and the general public;

9) support of any other activities aiming to communicate and to exploit effectively the results of the TRACE project.


Duration: The BI has a duration of six (6) months, with a possibility of renewal up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months, namely until the end of the project.


Scholarship components/Benefits: Scholarship holder is entitled to a monthly maintenance allowance of EUR 1 686,00€ (one thousand six hundred and eighty-six euros), which will be paid monthly by bank transfer. Where the work schedule does not cover a full month, the monthly maintenance allowance for that month shall be proportionate to the number of days covered. No allowances are due, in any case, for food, holidays, Christmas or any other allowances that are not expressly mentioned in the grant contract.


Eligibility Conditions

Applicants are expected to:

  1. have obtained their PhD diploma in the three years prior to the date of submission of the scholarship application; in the case of a PhD diploma awarded by a foreign educational institution, recognition procedures must have been completed at the time the scholarship contract is entered into;
  2. carry out the post-doctoral research in a host entity different from the entity where the research work that led to the award of the doctoral degree was carried out;
  3. present a scientific and professional curriculum, including a publication record, that reveals an adequate profile for the purposes of the TRACE project;
  4. be able to perform the duties of a fellow, on an exclusive dedication basis, under the terms set out in the Research Fellow Statute;
  5. have thorough knowledge of criminal law, EU law, and data protection law;
  6. are proficient users of English (C2 level or equivalent), i.e., excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
  7. are proficient users of MS Office Programmes.


Evaluation Criteria and Parameters:

  1. Scientific and curricular background (40%);
  2. Motivation letter (30%);
  3. Relevance and adequacy of the previous path to the research project (30%).

The classification system is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 points.


Publicity and deadline for submission of applications: The present Call for Applications is publicized at the website and in the facilities of NOVA School of Law as well as at the CEDIS website, the EURAXESS Portal, for a minimum period of 10 working days from the date of this publication. Applications may be submitted from April 18, 2022 and the deadline for submission ends on April 29, 2022.


Supporting documents

Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. Certificate for the PhD degree;
  2. Curriculum vitae including an updated list of publications;
  3. Copies of up to three publications considered most relevant by the candidate for the purposes of this call;
  4. Motivation letter including a description of research interests, past and ongoing research projects;
  5. Proof of knowledge of English.


Applicants who, after the application procedure results become available, are eligible to sign the scholarship contract, must submit a copy of their civil, fiscal and, if applicable, social security identification document(s) and, if applicable, a document proving their country of residence, residence permit or other legally equivalent document, if applicable, valid at the starting date of the scholarship, otherwise this agreement will not be signed.


Submission of Applications: Applications must be submitted on time and with all supporting documents, under penalty of being preliminarily rejected, to the email, with the subject “POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH GRANT n.º 1/2022”.


Selection: The selection of candidates will be made by the following Jury:

President: Professor Athina Sachoulidou

Member: Professor Giulia Priora

Member: Professor Fabrizio Esposito

Substitute: Professor Claire Bright

If the Jury deems it necessary, interviews may be held with the candidates.


Hearing of interested parties: In accordance with article 124, no. 1, al. a), of the Code of Administrative Procedure, the hearing of interested parties is waived in this competition, due to the urgency of the selection decision.


Form of publication/notification of results: The final results of the evaluation will be publicized through a list ordered alphabetically, posted in a visible and public place at the NOVA School of Law, on the School’s website and the CEDIS website, and the candidates will be notified by email.


Model contract and final reports: The model grant contract to be adopted is provided in Annex I. Annexes II and III are models of final reports to be submitted by the grant holder and the scientific advisor respectively, under the terms of the contract.


Applicable legal norms: Statute of the Research Grant Holder, approved by Law no. 40/2004, of 18 of August, altered and republished by Decree-Law no. 202/2012, of 27 of August and by Law no. 12/2013, of 29 of January, by Decree-Law no. 89/2013, of 9 of July and by Decree-Law no. No. 233/2012, of 29 October, and by Decree-Law No. 123/2019, of 28 August (available at , Research Grants Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. – 2019 (available at


Other information: for clarifications or information requests, send email to or contact 21 384 74 66, between 10h-12h and 15h-17h. More information on this vacancy can also be obtained from Professor Athina Sachoulidou (


It is the grant holder’s duty to punctually comply with the guidelines established by the scientific advisor, to inform CEDIS of the occurrence of any fact that justifies the suspension of the grant and to timely prepare a mid-term and a final report assessing the progress of activities carried out with the grant awarded. The work plan, with justified exceptions, will be carried out at CEDIS and/or the NOVA School of Law.

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