Research Grant n.º 6/2023
Applications from April 24, 2023 to May 10, 2023
Under Article 8 of the Research Grants Regulations of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (“FCT”), and in the context of the activity of the Knowledge Centre WhatNext.Law, created via a joint partnership between NOVA School of Law and VdA – Vieira de Almeida, Sociedade de Advogados, SP, R.L. (“VdA”), a call for scholarships for Research Grants (“RG“) for Master’s students at NOVA School of Law is launched, under the following terms:
Type of Grants: Research Grants aimed at carrying out R&D activities, and aimed at consolidating scientific training through the development of research work leading to the award of a Master’s degree in Law.
Number of scholarships: One Research Grant.
Duration: The duration of the RG is six (6) months, with no possibility of renewal.
Fellowships components: The grant holders are entitled to a monthly maintenance subsidy of EUR 930,98 (nine hundred and thirty euros and ninety eight cents), which will be paid monthly by bank transfer. When the work schedule does not cover the full month, the monthly maintenance allowance for that month shall be proportional to the number of days covered. No allowances are due, in any case, for food, holidays, Christmas or any others that are not expressly mentioned in the grant contract.
Eligibility Conditions: Students enrolled at NOVA School of Law who, at the time of application, are attending the 2nd Cycle of Studies at NOVA School of Law, after the end of the taught part.
Criteria and Evaluation Parameters: The evaluation will follow the following criteria:
a) Merit of the candidate (40%);
b) Merit of the proposed work plan (30%);
c) Relation with the activities and objectives pursued by WhatNext.Law Centre and degree of contribution to the research themes developed in each moment by the same (30%).
Activities arising from the RG:
a) Elaboration of the Master’s thesis;
b) Preparation of one or more scientific papers, based on the thesis, to be published by WhatNext.Law;
c) Presenting the main conclusions of the thesis in an event organized by WhatNext.Law or in an entity associated or indicated by Centro WhatNext.Law;
d) Elaboration of one or more short articles (in a blog format), on one or more topics of the thesis, to be published in WhatNext.Law website;
e) Realization of a training action based on the thesis to entities associated or indicated by the WhatNext.Law Centre.
The above mentioned activities must be carried out during the period of duration of the RG, without prejudice to the holder’s commitment to complete those activities after the end of the RG.
Publications and deadline for submission of applications: The present Call for Scholarships will be published in the NOVA School of Law website and facilities and in the CEDIS website, as well as in the EURAXESS Portal. Applications may be submitted as from April 24, 2023 and the deadline for submission will end on May 10, 2023.
Supporting documents: Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:
a) Copy of the civil, fiscal and, when applicable, social security identification document(s);
b) Document proving the country of residence, residence permit or other legally equivalent document, if applicable, valid at the starting date of the grant;
c) Documents proving that the candidate fulfils the conditions of eligibility, namely proof of enrolment and registration in the 2nd Cycle of Studies at NOVA School of Law;
d) Declaration of the supervisor(s) assuming responsibility for the supervision of the work plan, in accordance with Article 5-A of the Research Grant Holder Statute;
e) Updated Curriculum Vitae;
f) Transcript of grades of the undergraduate degree and of the teaching part of the Master’s degree, at the date of submission of the application;
g) Thesis project or research plan (“Research Plan”);
h) Qualification certificate.
The document provided for in d) above is not a mandatory requirement for submission of the application. However, it must be submitted prior to the signing of the Grant Agreement, otherwise the agreement will not be signed.
Submission of Applications: Applications should be submitted on time and with all supporting documents to the email concurso.bolsas@novalaw.unl.pt, with the subject “Research Grant n.º6/2023”. Applications submitted after deadline will be rejected without further consideration.
Selection: The selection of the candidates will be made by the following Jury:
President: Professor Doctor Fabrizio Esposito
Member: Professora Vera Lúcia Raposo
Member: Mestre Doutor Tiago Bessa
Substitute: Professora Doutora Giulia Priora
If the Jury considers it necessary, interviews may be held with the candidates.
Hearing of interested parties: In accordance with Article 124, no. 1, al. a) of the Code of Administrative Procedure, the hearing of interested parties is waived in this call, given the urgency of the decision to select the grant holder.
Form of publication/notification of results: The final results of the call will be publicised through a list ordered alphabetically, posted in a visible and public place of the NOVA School of Law, on the CEDIS website, and on the website of WhatNext.Law, and candidates will be notified by email.
Model contract and final reports: The template grant contract to be adopted is provided in Annex I. Annexes II and III are models of final reports to be submitted by the grant holder and the scientific advisor respectively, under the terms of the contract.
Applicable laws: Statute of the Research Grant Holder, approved by Law no. 40/2004, of 18 of August, altered and republished by Decree-Law no. 202/2012, of 27 of August and by Law no. 12/2013, of 29 of January, by Decree-Law no. 89/2013, of 9 of July and by Decree-Law no. No. 233/2012, of 29 October, and by Decree-Law No. 123/2019, of 28 August (available at https://dre.pt/dre/legislacao-consolidada/lei/2004-58216179), Research Grants Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. – 2019 (available at https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/127238533).
Other information: For clarifications or information requests, send an email to cedis@novalaw.unl.pt or contact +351 21 384 74 66, between 10h-12h and 15h-17h.
It is the grant holders’ duty to punctually comply with the guidelines established by the scientific advisor, to inform the WhatNext.Law Centre of any fact that justifies the suspension of the grant and to timely prepare a final report assessing the programme of activities developed with the grant awarded.