The E4J – Education for Justice Initiative

The E4J – Education for Justice Initiative

Introductory text

The E4J – Education for Justice Initiative is a programme of UNODC – the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Its implementation began with the adoption of the 2015 Doha Declaration on Integrating Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice into the Wider United Nations Agenda to Address Social and Economic Challenges and to Promote the Rule of Law at National and International Levels, and Public Participation.

The programme focuses on education to promote values and works to create fairer and more peaceful societies through innovative partnerships. In this sense, co-operation also depends on the willingness of states to create such education scenarios to strengthen life skills and a true culture of lawfulness.

The content produced is fully available at site and its aim is to support academics in teaching subjects that focus on UNODC mandates in the areas of international crime prevention and criminal justice.

The set of modules has been designed to help teachers and educators at different levels of education, in a very complete, high-quality way that allows them to organise lessons in a simple and innovative way (with theoretical content, bibliographical suggestions, practical cases and exercises, case studies, proposals for organising lessons and proposals for assessing learning).

At the 74th United Nations General Assembly, which took place in September 2019, Resolution 73/339 on United Nations Cooperation with the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) was adopted by acclamation.

The idea of translating the content had already gained institutional momentum since the beginning of the year, but the political support of the CPLP brought the necessary openness for support for the project and the translations of the content to reach Portuguese-speaking countries. The work to extend the initiative is thus being consolidated on two levels: the political (with the support of the CPLP and on a regional basis) and the technical (with the involvement of universities and public institutions).

The involvement of Portuguese-speaking countries means that the network of universities involved in the project can be expanded, promoting education for justice through a spirit of partnership, political dialogue, sharing of experiences and cooperation.

Nova School of Law is a UNODC partner in translating the contents on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling into Portuguese.

Project Management Team

CoordinationVasco Becker- Weinberg Maria João Carapêto
Team LeadersEmellin de Oliveira João Carreto Gabriela Caldas Marília Conti Higa Guilherme Berriel Pablo Ronaldo Gadea
Junior team membersBeatriz Sequeira Victoria Silva Ferreira Mariana Almeida Sara Marques Eduardo Matos Mariana Baptista Inês Tralhão

Position of NOVA SCHOOL OF LAW in the Project:



October 2019 / December 2020
