Annual Lecture 2023

NOVA IPSI Annual Lecture

14 November 2023 | 14h-16h (Lisbon time)

Anfiteatro A NOVA School of Law Lisbon & Online
(registration required)

14h Welcome greetings – Margarida Lima Rego and Jorge Morais Carvalho – Dean and Vice-Dean NOVA School of Law

14h Presentation: One year of NOVA IPSI – Giulia Priora -Assistant Professor/Director NOVA IPSI

Keynote lecture: “Equity and International IP Law” – Emmanuel Oke – Senior Lecturer, Edinburgh Law School

15h Short reaction and moderated open discussion – João Pedro Quintais – Assistant Professor IViR Amsterdam/NOVA IPSI Advisory Board / Júlia Veiga, Aline Bratti, Rúben Ferreira – Researchers NOVA IPSI

15h45 Closing remarks – Claire Bright – Associate Professor/Director NOVA BHRE

16h Live music performance and cocktail buffet

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