Este curso será lecionado em inglês.
Para mais informações e inscrições clique aqui
18 horas. Carga de trabalho total estimada: 84 horas = 3 ECTS
150€ (75€ para estudantes)
31 de março
Introduction to the e-course. Basics of Insurance and SDG
Margarida Lima Rego (NOVA School of Law)
María del Val Bolivar Oñoro (NOVA School of Law)
14 de abril
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation + GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure + GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Pierpaolo Marano (AIDA Europe)
Vera Eiró (NOVA School of Law and President of the Portuguese Water and Waste Authority)
21 de abril
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
Miguel Ángel Ramiro Avilés (University of Alcalá)
Elsa Zawedde (University of Illinois)
28 de abril
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy + GOAL 13: Climate Action
Lucila de Almeida (NOVA School of Law)
Tim Hardy (AIDA Europe)
5 de maio
GOAL 14: Life Below Water + GOAL 15: Life on Land
Maria Damanaki (Former EU Commissioner)
Stephen Turner (University of Essex)
12 de maio
GOAL 1: No Poverty + GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
Luís Renato Vedovato (UNICAMP)
Kathleen Defever (Attorney, US)
19 de maio
GOAL 5: Gender Equality + GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Lene Løvdal (Egalia)
Madison Stephens (University of Southampton)
26 de maio
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth + GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Claire Bright (NOVA School of Law)
Fabrizio Esposito (NOVA School of Law)
2 de junho
GOAL 4: Quality Education + GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions + Wrap-up: the insurance sector’s fundamental role in furthering SDG
Margarida Lima Rego (NOVA School of Law)
María del Val Bolivar Oñoro (NOVA School of Law)
Este E-Curso faz parte do Módulo Jean Monnet “EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era” (ref. no. 101085125), financiado pela União Europeia (Programa Erasmus+).