The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: challenges and opportunities
21 June 2024
On May 14, 2024, the Council of the EU adopted the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, breaking an almost eight-year deadlock over reform proposals.
With the adoption of ten legislative acts, this reform has been described as a “complete overhaul of the EU asylum and migration system” (Council of the EU, Press Release 2024). Civil society actors have expressed numerous concerns over its implications for the rights of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
Taking place just a few days after the European parliamentary elections and one day after the World Refugee Day, this roundtable aims to generate an insightful and timely debate on the challenges and opportunities posed by the new system. The event will bring together academics and representatives from international and non-governmental organizations to discuss the critical issues and potential impacts of this reform, incorporating perspectives from the Portuguese context and beyond.
The event is hosted by the NOVA Refugee and Migration Clinic, the Knowledge Centre of the NOVA School of Law’s CEDIS research unit.
21 June, 10h15 – 12h15
Location: Room 007, NOVA School of Law
The event will also be broadcast on Zoom.
Welcome note
- Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Professor and Vice-President of the Scientific Council of NOVA School of Law
- Lilian Tsourdi, Professor at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University
- Cláudia Pedrosa, Legal Protection Officer at the Portuguese Refugee Council
- Vasco Malta, Head of Office at the International Organization for Migration in Portugal
- Mariana Gkliati, Professor at Tilburg Law School
- Gabriele de Angelis, Coordinator of NOVA Asylum Lab, Researcher at NOVA Institute of Philosophy
- Veronica Corcodel, Director of NOVA Refugee and Migration Clinic, Professor at NOVA School of Law
- Veronica Corcodel, Director of NOVA Refugee and Migration Clinic, Assistant Professor at NOVA School of Law
The event is free and open to all, but registration is required.