The recently created NOVA Financial Markets Knowledge Centre is dedicated to the study of the financial markets – banking, capital and insurance, with particular focus on value creation, that is, the concern to produce a positive impact on society.
The Centre’s opening session will take place on February 19th , at 6pm in Amphitheatre A at NOVA School of Law.
At the event, which will be attended by the Centre’s researchers, consultants and partners, the programme of activities for 2024 will be presented, both in terms of research and social impact.
A brief discussion will ensue, initiated by a keynote lecture delivered by Professor Noah Vardi (Roma Tre University), on “Creditworthiness assessment & responsible lending in the context of consumer credit. Where are we?”. The lecture will be commented by Francisca Guedes de Oliveira (Director of Banco de Portugal and Professor of Economics at Católica Porto Business School) and Vinay Pranjivan (Economist and specialist in consumer protection in financial services).
The event is free of charge, but registration is required.