CEDIS presents another result of their projects: the Podcasts series “Juridical Pluralism”, where various dimensions, geographies and chronologies of juridical pluralism are addressed.
The series was produced under the research project “Juridical Pluralism in the Portuguese Empire (XVIII-XX centuries)”, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/DIR/OUT/30873/2017) and developed at CEDIS and the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
It integrates three Podcats:
- Legal plurality, legal pluralism and legal hybridisation: a conversation with Professor Armando Marques Guedes;
- Legal pluralism in the Portuguese Empire (18th – 20th centuries);
- Quid Iuris? We are all Lawyers! Law, justice and advocacy in Goa and Brazil in the 19th century
To listen to the podcasts, click here.