Project Summary
The Portuguese Moot Court of International Law is a simulated court on themes of Public International Law and is based on the jurisdiction and functioning of the International Court of Justice.
Specific Objectives of the Project
– To help advance the participants’ knowledge in the area of International Law;
– To give participants an experience of litigation before a simulated version of the International Court of Justice;
-To help participants to develop their reasoning, argumentation and communication skills in the area of Law.
Partner institutions: CEDIS/NOVA School of Law; Universidade de Lisboa Faculty of Law; Universidade Nova de Lisboa Students Association; Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional; Vieira de Almeida & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados; Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros; Secretaria de Estado da Cultura
The 1st edition of the Moot Court took place in 2010.