The new challenges of international law

The new challenges of international law

Project Summary

International law has undergone and is undergoing a number of changes, caused above all by the process of globalisation and/or globalisation. International law can no longer be viewed solely on the basis of classical theories. New theories and instruments need to be taken into account, because there is a growing interaction between national and international legal systems, which encompass legal systems, administrative and organisational structures and different systems of cooperation and global regulation.

In this sense, international law faces new challenges, since the criterion of transnationality affects national and international normative structures. It is therefore necessary to check the fundamental rights of citizens, the preservation of democratic ideals, national rights, environmental protection, the impact on national public administrations and accountability.

Along these lines, the project “The new challenges of international law” aims to analyse the impact of the formation of mega-regional agreements, such as CETA, MERCOSUR-EU and TTIP, because these blocs aim to create standards, norms and rules that will be reflected on a global scale.

These agreements are a challenge that international law has to deal with today, as they change not only the structure of international trade, but also have a global impact on different branches of law.

Specific Project Objectives

The “New Trends in International Economic Law” project aims to develop scientific research in International Economic Law and its repercussions in the international, European and national spheres. The study is necessary in view of the legal changes caused by the phenomenon of globalisation and transnationality, which has modified the relationship between the subjects of international law, the State and International Organisations, as well as promoting the entry of new international actors.


CEDIS/New University of Lisbon Law School

UniCeub – Centro Universitário de Brasília (submission of joint projects to organisations such as CAPES and FCT)

Federal University of Minas Gerais (submission of joint projects to organisations such as CAPES and FCT)

Project Team

Group Coordinator

– Francisco Pereira Coutinho

– Lúcio Tomé Feteira

– Ruth Santos

Group Members

– João Francisco Diogo

– Lucila Vilhena

– Maria Inês Gameiro

– Matheus Passos

– Renata Menezes

– Rita Guerreiro

– Tiago Melo Cartaxo

– Sérgio Pedro


June 2016 to June 2020


Foundation for Science and Technology, CEDIS/New University of Lisbon Law School, JurisNova
