CEDIS/NOVA School of Law sends a delegation to the Philippines for activities within the CALESA Project

CEDIS/NOVA School of Law sends a delegation to the Philippines for activities within the CALESA Project

From June 6 to 9, 2022, the CEDIS/NOVA School of Law delegation participated in the Seminars “Modernization of Criminal Law”, at PHILJA – Philippine Judicial Academy, and “Modernization of the Commercial Law”, at the University of the Philippines, teaching contents relevant to the respective themes and exchanging experiences with other European and Philippine colleagues on the realities of each country.

On June 10 and 11, the “Sixth Spanish-Philippine Scientific Congress: Modernizing Criminal Law and Private Law” took place at the University of the Philippines Diliman campus and our delegates presented papers in several panels throughout the two days.

The Capacity Building for Legal and Social Advancement in the Philippines (CALESA) Project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program and aims to contribute to the modernization of law education and research in the Philippines. Coordinated by the University of Malaga, NOVA School of Law is one of the partner institutions and CEDIS is the host entity of the project.

For more information about the project go to https://calesaproject-cbhe.eu/
