Creating a joint Infrastructure for Dialogue, Research and Advocacy between Europe and Africa

Creating a joint Infrastructure for Dialogue, Research and Advocacy between Europe and Africa

Acronym: CIDRA


The project aims at building a permanent network of scholarly reflection, joint research, exchange of methodologies, and advocacy to strengthening regional integration and cooperation in and between Africa and Europe. Through shared values and initiatives, the project seeks to establish an academic infrastructure to redesign the EU-Africa relationships for next generations, allowing both regions to better address: region-specific critical issues with major spillover effects; regional and trans-regional governance; economic, political, and decision-making interdependencies; ever-growing global challenges and quests for a multipolar international system. It further aims at strengthening African integration through a careful analysis of the experience of European integration.

The project is also meant to prepare the ground for a major investment plan, jointly designed between the EU and Africa, that focuses on five main issues: a) achieving inter-regional energy independence; b) increasing digital, transport and resources-access infrastructures; c) enhancing financial resilience and entrepreneurship, and boosting inter-regional value chains; d) managing the green transition and promoting sustainable development through the adoption of ad-hoc adaptation and mitigation strategies; e) improving education, a multi-layered cultural identity, democratic participation and legitimacy in collective decision-making, and human resource management.



NSL partner

PI at NSL: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho

Start date: 01/09/2024

Duration: 36 months

Total Budget: 1.198.769€

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