A6) Criminalia


About Us

The CRIMINALIA group develops research on criminal subjects, under the coordination of Professor Teresa Pizarro Beleza and Professor Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto:

  • The “Coleção Criminalia – Estudos de Ciências Criminais da NOVA”, under which four books have already been published, and two more are expected to be published soon.
  • The project “Novos Tempos, Novos Crimes, Novas Leis Penais?” is focused on the social, technological and economic innovations that challenge the validity and the area of application of existing criminal laws, both in the material and procedural domains. As part of this project, subjects related to new crimes against the person have started to be addressed, with the dissemination of a number of studies in these areas.
  • The “Observatório das Contraordenações” is dedicated to research on the main problems associated with the evolution and expansion of (non-criminal) Administrative Offences and Sanctions. Within this project, a colloquium was held and a systematised collection of case law of the Constitutional Court was presented, in articulation with the fundamental principles of the Rule of Law. The results of this work are public and can be freely accessed through CEDIS.


Teresa Pizarro Beleza
Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto

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