Lisbon: a model city in the inclusion of deaf people

Project Summary

The main goal of this scientific research work is to identify the main problems related to the accessibility and participation of Deaf people in the Lisbon community and to suggest modifications to adapt the urban environment of Lisbon to their specific needs and wishes, in order to ensure a more equal treatment of the Deaf community in relation to the other inhabitants of the city. For this to be possible, we intend to carry out a bibliographical survey about the policies and legislation already existing on the subject so that, in sequence, there is a verification of its implementation in reality.

Moreover, it is intended to carry out a survey of the needs and concerns of the deaf community in the specific matter of sustainability and outdoor living, as well as possible mechanisms and technological tools that cities today have available or can implement in order to facilitate the day-to-day activities of members of the Deaf community, from mobility, through public and private infrastructure and the use of new technologies.

Finally, aiming at approaching the issue in a holistic way and involving different actors in the process of integration of the Deaf Community, this research project, through a multidisciplinary approach, intends to verify the possibility of developing public health policies aimed specifically at the Deaf Community that may, among other purposes, assist in the promotion of health literacy through Portuguese Sign Language, promote their well being in the urban environment of Lisbon, generating an effective increase in their quality of life and stimulating civic participation that allows the development of a (self)-sustainable environment in which the Deaf are not only the recipients, but also generators and disseminators of information and act as participants in the processes of improving the quality of life of citizens of the city of Lisbon.

Specific Objectives of the Project
With the development of this scientific research, two main results are intended:
The first consists in obtaining and disseminating statistical, quantitative and qualitative results (which do not exist today) about the real needs of the Deaf in the city of Lisbon – which will be done through consultations with associations and federation that represent the Deaf in a collective way in this municipality. This stage of the research is extremely relevant, since it will allow the collection of data that can help the Public Authorities of the municipality of Lisbon to map the Deaf Community that exists there and identify their main needs, not only for the objectives listed in this project, but for various other policies that may be carried out in the context of this cultural and linguistic group.
The second consists in the elaboration of a report that portrays the reality empirically described in the first phase of the research, verifies the existence of legislation capable of applying to it (in order to improve participation and promote accessibility and integration of the Deaf) and presents suggestions for actions and policies to be developed to improve the urban environment of Lisbon in view of the needs of the Deaf.

NOVA School of Law
NOVA IMS – Information Management School
National School of Public Health

Project Management Team at UNL Law School
Prof. Helena Pereira de Melo (Senior Researcher – NSL-CEDIS)
Prof. Dr. Maria Isabel Loureiro (ENSP)
Prof. Dr. Miguel de Castro Neto (IMS)
Doctoral Student Marília Beatriz Leal Salvador Conti Higa (NSL-CEDIS)
Doctoral Student Tiago Melo Cartaxo (NSL-CEDIS)

February 2018 to February 2019

Funding Entities: NOVA University – NOVA Saúde; NOVA School of Law
Amount of Funding: 12000€
