Project Summary
Created within CEDIS/NOVA School of Law, the Observatory for the Protection of Personal Data is a research group whose main goal is to follow and monitor the implementation of the new legal framework for the protection of personal data in the European Union. Additionally, the Observatory intends to develop research in areas related to the protection of personal data, such as, for example, the challenges that technology poses to Law.
Specific Objectives of the Project
– Annual publication of a journal (“Anuário da Proteção de Dados Pessoais”);
– Organization of at least one annual workshop;
– Other research activities related to the subject of personal data protection and related matters.
CEDIS-NOVA School of Law
SRS Lawyers
The Privacy Node Ltd.
Project Team
André Inácio
Afonso Ferreira
Emellin de Oliveira
Francisco Pereira Coutinho
Graça Canto Moniz
Martinho Lucas Pires
Ricardo Rodrigues de Oliveira
Teresa Vale Lopes
Inês Oliveira Andrade de Jesus
From 2016 onwards
CEDIS/NOVA School of Law; FCT; Google; VisionWare; SRS Advogados; The Privacy Node Ltda.
Other Information
Project website: http://protecaodedadosue.cedis.novalaw.unl.pt