In line with the classification adopted by FCT in the 2024 evaluation and funding process, CEDIS members can be integrated researchers and collaborating researchers, including doctoral students. For the purposes of simplification, we have adopted the following classification: 1) integrated researchers; 2) doctoral researchers; 3) collaborating researchers. All must be members of Projects or Knowledge Centers.
This is a researcher with a doctorate or an aggregate degree who, in either case, must have a contract or employment relationship with the NOVA School of Law and dedicate a minimum of 20% of their working time to research activities in CEDIS. An integrated doctoral researcher can only be integrated into CEDIS, but can be a collaborator in one or more R&D units.
All other CEDIS researchers who do not meet the requirements to become an integrated researcher are collaborating researchers. The criteria for becoming a CEDIS collaborator are as follows:
1. NSL doctoral students: All NOVA School of Law doctoral students can become CEDIS collaborators.
2. Bachelor's and Master's students: Bachelor's and Master's students who are CEDIS scholarship holders are obliged to join as collaborators.
3. PhD students: CEDIS collaborators who complete their doctorate and continue to participate in CEDIS activities may continue to be collaborators.
4. Researchers with Contractual Links: Researchers who have contractual links with CEDIS or NSL, for example as visiting professors, may become CEDIS collaborators.
The Knowledge Centers and Projects within CEDIS are autonomous in admitting their own members. However, for these members to be recognized as CEDIS collaborators, they must meet the requirements mentioned above.
The annual plafond for each researcher can be used for the following expenses, according to the FCT categories:
1) Demonstration, promotion, and dissemination.
Under this category are included:
a) Expenses related to participation in scientific events with an intervention. Requests related to these types of expenses must be submitted via the DPD Request Form, available on this page.
b) Expenses associated with open access publications. The request must be accompanied by the context of the open access publication intended, as well as all associated costs. Expenses related to open access publication fees in high-impact journals (in any indexing recognized in academia) can be supported even if they exceed the annual plafond, as long as they are within CEDIS's budget limits. See our "Open Science" page.
More information here:
2) Consultants.
This category includes expenses for individuals who are not CEDIS members. When requesting support from CEDIS, the necessity of the expense must be justified, in accordance with the pursuit of the scientific objectives of the CEDIS scientific project. This justification will need to be submitted by CEDIS to FCT when submitting the expense.
More information here:
3) Acquisition of goods and services.
Regarding goods, they must be for common use.
More information here:
No. All expenses must be paid by CEDIS.
Requests should be sent to:
a) You must check that you correctly state your institutional affiliation: CEDIS, NOVA School of Law, NOVA University Lisbon Law School, 1099-032 Lisboa
b) You must check that you correctly advertise the FCT: This work was funded by FCT, I.P., under project UID/00714/2020 (CEDIS/NOVA School of Law).
c) You must check that you have included the FCT logo and the emblem of the Portuguese Republic in all associated materials (see our "Media Kit" page).
d) You must provide CEDIS with proof that you have complied with the FCT's advertising rules and, if applicable, proof of travel.
Three months before (or even further in advance of) the time when payment is due from CEDIS.