Research Grant n.º 14/2023

Research Grant n.º 14/2023
Applications from December 15, 2023 to January 3, 2024



In accordance to art. 8 of the Research Grants Regulation of the Foundation for Science and Technology, with the financial support of the FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC), and within the scope of the R&D Project “IN_SOLVENS: Direito da Insolvência em Portugal – uma análise multidisciplinar” (Ref. PTDC/DIR-OUT/2939/2020), a call for applications is hereby launched for 1 (one) Research Grant (BI), for a Master’s student, to collaborate in the mentioned research project, hosted by CEDIS, Centre for R&D on Law and Society (UI0714), at NOVA School of Law – Faculty of Law, Lisbon NOVA University, coordinated by Professora Doutora Mariana França Gouveia.

Duração: The scholarship has a maximum duration of 6 months. The amount of the grant is €930,98 (nine hundred and thirty euros and ninety-eight cents) (, plus the voluntary social insurance applicable at the time, paid monthly by bank transfer.

Object, Objective and Activities: Collaboration on the research project “IN_SOLVENS: Insolvency Law in Portugal – a multidisciplinary analysis”. The aim of the project is to identify the causes and effects of the high duration of insolvency proceedings and the low use of pre-insolvency mechanisms in Portugal, in order to present solutions to reduce or avoid the negative effects identified. The fellow will collaborate in various activities, in particular in the analysis of the legislation in force in other legal systems in the field of insolvency and pre-insolvency, in the research and analysis of foreign bibliography, in the writing of a report with the results of this work and in the preparation of the project’s website.

Admission requirements and assessment parameters:         

Admission requirements

  1. Have completed a law degree; and
  2. Be enrolled in a master’s degree course;
  3. Certificate of qualifications.

Assessment parameters

  1. Final degree classification (45%);
  2. Relevance and suitability of previous experience for the activities to be carried out within the scope of the project, as reflected in the curriculum vitae (30%). Among other aspects, account will be taken of attendance at the Insolvency course and other training in the area of Insolvency Law (and the final grade obtained, if available), published texts and articles, other scientific activities carried out, with particular emphasis on integration in research projects or research centers, and proficiency in foreign languages;
  3. Motivation letter (maximum: 2 pages) in which you explain the relationship between the project and your research interests and address a topic of Insolvency Law that you consider to benefit from the perspective of other legal system(s) (25%).

Publicity and deadline for submission of applications: The present Call for Applications is published in the website and facilities of NOVA School of Law and in the CEDIS website, as well as in the EURAXESS Portal, for a minimum period of 10 working days from the date of this publication. Applications may be submitted from December 15, 2023 and the deadline for submission ends on January 3, 2024.

Selection: The selection of candidates will be made by a jury composed of the Coordinator of the Project, Professor Mariana França Gouveia, wich will preside, by Professor Jorge Morais Carvalho and by Professor João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira, based on curricular assessment. If the jury deems it necessary, interviews may be held with the candidates.

Hearing of interested parties: Pursuant to article 124, no. 1, al. a) of the Code of Administrative Procedure, this competition does not require a hearing with interested parties due to the urgency of the decision to select the scholarship holder.

Form of publication/notification of results: The final results of the evaluation will be published in an alphabetically ordered list, posted in a visible and public place at NOVA School of Law and on the CEDIS website, and candidates will be notified by e-mail.

Formalization of applications: Applications must be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae organized in accordance with the admission requirements and evaluation parameters described in this notice, a copy of the transcript of grades (bachelor’s and master’s) and a letter of motivation and sent to the following e-mail address, with the subject “Research Grant no. 14/2023”.

Model contract, final reports and evalution criteria: The model scholarship contract to be adopted is set out in Annex I. Annexes II and III are models of final reports to be submitted by the grant holder and the scientific advisor respectively, under the terms of the contract. The criterion for evaluation of the grant holder by the scientific advisor will be compliance with the activity plan attached to the contract. The contract will be subject to the effective availability of funding within the scope of the project.

Applicable legal norms: The Statute of the Research Grant Holder, approved by Law n.º40/2004, of 18 of August, altered and republished by Decree-Law n.º 202/2012, of 27 of August and by Law n.º 12/2013, of 29 of January, by Decree-Law n.º 89/2013, of 9 of July and by Decree-Law n.º 233/2012, of 29 October, and by Decree-Law n.º 123/2019, of 28 August (available at, Research Grants Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. – 2019 (available at

Other information: for clarifications or information requests, send email to or contact 21 384 74 66, between 10h-12h and 15h-17h.

It is the duty of the scholarship holder to punctually comply with the guidelines established by the scientific advisor, to communicate to the Foundation for Science and Technology the occurrence of any fact that justifies the suspension of the scholarship and the timely preparation of a semi-annual and final report on the assessment of the program of activities developed with the grant awarded.

The fulfillment of the work plan, except for justified exceptions, takes place in the premises of CEDIS and/or the Faculty of Law of the UNL.

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