Research Grants n.º 9/2023 and n.º 10/2023

Research Grants n.º 9/2023 and n.º 10/2023

Applications from July 18, 2023 to August 1, 2023




2 (two) Research Grants (BI), for master’s degree students

In accordance to art. 8 of the Research Grants Regulation of the Foundation for Science and Technology, a call for tender is opened for 2 (two) Research Scholarships (BI), for master’s degree students, to collaborate in the Blue Bioeconomy Pact Project, to be funded under the Call for Proposals No. 02/C05-i01/2022, concerning the development of projects within the scope of the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation, framed and funded under component 5 – Capitalization and Business Innovation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Portugal, coordinated by Professor Assunção Cristas, hosted by CEDIS, Centre for R&D on Law and Society (UID714), NOVA School of Law – Faculty of Law, New University of Lisbon.

Duration: The scholarship lasts for 9 months. The amount of the scholarship is 930,98 euros (nine hundred thirty euros and ninety eight cents) (, with monthly payment by bank transfer.

Aim, Objective and Activities: to provide support and assistance to the research developed under the Blue Bioeconomy Pact Project, which has as one of its main objectives the drafting of a legal text regulating the activity of marine bioprospecting and the use of resources collected and developed from the collections, as well as the use of samples already collected and stored and their development.

The main activities to be developed are:

1) Survey and study of national (Portugal and other countries), European and international legislation on marine bioprospecting and the constitution and maintenance of blue biobanks (marine biological resources collections);
2) Defining the issues that should be included in the legal text and designing its structure;
3) Organising an event to present and discuss the legal text; and
4) Final drafting of the appropriate legislative framework for Portugal.

Admission Requirements:

a) Have completed a degree in law; and
b) Be enrolled in a Master’s course;
c) Qualifications certificate.

Evaluation parameters:

a) Grade history (30%);
b) Motivation letter (40%);
c) Relevance and adequacy of the previous path to the research project (30%).

Publicity and deadline for submission of applications: The present Call for Applications is publicised on the NOVA School of Law website and facilities, on the CEDIS website and on the EURAXESS Portal, for a minimum of 10 working days from the date of the present publication. Applications may be submitted from 18 July 2023 and the deadline for submission is 01 August 2023.

Selection: The selection of candidates will be made by a jury composed by Professor Assunção Cristas, who will preside, Professor Armando Marques Guedes and Professor Jorge Oliveira e Carmo, based on curricular assessment, possibly complemented by an interview.Hearing of interested parties: In accordance with article 124, no. 1, al. a), of the Code of Administrative Procedure, the hearing of interested parties is waived in the present competition due to the urgency of the decision to select the grant holder.

Form of publication/notification of results: The final results of the evaluation will be advertised through an alphabeticallyordered list, posted in a visible and public place at NOVA School of Law and on the CEDIS website, and candidates will be notified via email.

Formalisation of applications: Applications should be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, a copy of the transcript of grades (bachelor and master) and a letter of intent and sent to the email, with the subject “Research Grant n.º 9/2023 and n.º 10/2023”.

Model contract, final reports and respective evaluation criteria: The model grant contract to be adopted is provided in Annex I. Annexes II and III are models of final reports to be submitted by the grant recipient and the scientific advisor respectively, under the terms of the contract. The scientific advisor’s criterion for evaluation of the grant recipient will be compliance with the plan of activities attached to the contract.

Applicable legal norms: Research Grant Holder Statute, approved by Law no. 40/2004, of 18 August, amended and republished by DecreeLaw no. 202/2012, of 27 August and by Law no. 12/2013, of 29 January, by Decree-Law No. 89/2013, of 9 July and by Decree-Law No. 233/2012, of 29 October (available at, Research Grants Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. – 2019 (available at

Other information: for any queries or requests for information, please send an e-mail to or contact 21 384 74 66, between 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

The grant holder must punctually comply with the guidelines established by the scientific advisor, communicate to the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia the occurrence of any fact that justifies the suspension of the grant and the timely preparation of a half-yearly and final report evaluating the programme of activities carried out with the grant awarded. The fulfilment of the work plan, with justified exceptions, takes place at CEDIS and/or the Faculty of Law of the UNL.

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