Empoderar as Pessoas

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Claire Bright; Nicolas Bueno: Mandatory human rights due diligence

Felipe Pathe Duarte: Non-kinetic hybrid threats in Europe – the Portuguese case study (2017-18)

Jeremy Sarkin; Ram Kumar Bhandari: Why Political Appointments to Truth Commissions Cause Difficulties for these Institutions: Using the Crisis in the Transitional Justice Process in Nepal to Understand How Matters of Legitimacy and Credibility Undermine Such Commissions

Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto; Pedro Caeiro: A frantic mayfly at the turn of the century: The positivist movement and Portuguese criminal law.

Claire Bright; Karin Buhmann: Risk-Based Due Diligence, Climate Change, Human Rights and the Just Transition

Veronica Corcodel; Dimitra Fragkou: Europe’s Refugee “Crises” and the Biopolitics of Risk

Nausica Palazzo: Fedotova and Others v. Russia: Dawn of a new era for European LGBTQ families?

Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva: Empire, federalism, nation(s) and homeland(s) in the first Portuguese constitutionalism (1821- 1822)

Athina Sachoulidou; Silvia D’Amato: European transnationalism between successes and shortcomings: threats, strategies and actors under the microscope

Athina Sachoulidou: OK Google: is (s)he guilty?

Athina Sachoulidou: Going beyond the “common suspects”: to be presumed innocent in the era of algorithms, big data and artificial intelligence

Athina Sachoulidou: Algorithmic Criminal Justice: Is It Just a Science Fiction Plot Idea? Law, Governance and Technology Series


Soraya Nour Sckell: The Concept of Person in the Metaphysics of Morals: From a Formal to a Material Concept. The Kantian Subject: New Interpretative Essays

Athina Sachoulidou, Dimitrios Kafteranis, Umut Turksen: Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement Settings: AI Solutions for Disrupting Illicit Money Flows

Athina Sachoulidou: Algorithmic criminal justice: Is it just a science fiction plot idea?

Jeremy Sarkin, Tatiana Morais: A Cost–Benefit Assessment of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women Reporting Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Uganda: Assessing Women’s Resilience as a Means to Protect their Ethnoreligious Group

Athina Sachoulidou, Claire Bright: Access to Justice for Corporate Human Rights Harms. Private International Law and Criminal Law Considerations.

Francisco Pereira Coutinho: A Agressão Russa à Ucrânia e o Direito Internacional: Uma Tragédia Em Quatro Atos

Laura Íñigo Álvarez: Responsible business conduct in conflict-affected areas: the notion of heightened human rights due diligence

Cristina Queiroz: Constituição Económica e Direitos Fundamentais

Cristina Queiroz: Risco e Incerteza, Saúde e Danos Colaterais

Cristina Nogueira da Silva: Slave Subjectivities in the Iberian Worlds

Francisco Pereira Coutinho: A Agressão Russa à Ucrânia e o Direito Internacional: Uma Tragédia Em Quatro Atos

Cristina Queiroz: Constituição Económica e Direitos Fundamentais

Luís Pedroso de Lima Cabral de Oliveira: The Foro Indiano: The application of law in Goa as seen from the Novas Conquistas?

José Noronha Rodrigues; Sumanta Bhattacharya; Dora Cristina Ribeiro Cabete: The Era of Globalization and the Impact of Sports as a Human Right: A Sociocultural Dimension

José Noronha Rodrigues; Sumanta Bhattacharya; Dora Cabete: Human Rights and Lex Sportiva: Sport for All

Veronica Corcordel & Dmitra Fragkou: European Journal of Risk Regulation

João Zenha Martins: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on adequate minimum wages in the European Union: Review and Outlook from Portugal

José Noronha Rodrigues: The Globalization of human rights for a global citizenship: New Challenges

O Direito Público e a Crise Pandémica

João Motta Guedes – Monument to Kafka

José Noronha Rodrigues; Dora Cristina Ribeiro Cabete de Noronha Rodrigues: Social Justice and Human Rights in the 22nd Century: Equity Principle

Rana Dajani; Helena Maria Matias Pereira de Melo: Diversifying stem cell debates: Including Muslim contexts and perspectives

José Noronha Rodrigues: Migrant and Refugee Children in Europe: A New Perspective

Instituto de Asilo, Antiguidade, Contemporaneidade e O Futuro- Política Única de Asilo na União Europeia

The Conflict in Syria and the Failure of International Law to Protect People Globally – Mass Atrocities, Enforced Disappearances and Arbitrary Detentions

Novos Estudos de Direito Público Comparado, Filosofia do Direito e Relações Internacionais – Tomo III

Risco e Incerteza, Saúde e Danos Colaterais: o que se espera do Estado de Emergência sanitário

Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito II
